Biometrics is the system with fingerprints and photos which are required for identification purposes with Canadian Immigration.

  • It was introduced to provide highly accurate immigration control for the purpose of contributing to the security and safety of Canada
  • Fingerprints must be provided with Visa applications

Biometric data = Fingerprints are taken by a government agency located in each country designated by the Government of Canada

In Japan, this is the Visa Application Centre (VAC) in Tokyo and Osaka (as of 17/09/2020).

Our fingerprinting services are

Preparation of fingerprint forms for Visa applications foreign license application or registration.

Fingerprinting for overseas background check applications (if you are playing yourself).

Fingerprint on behalf of the USA FBI / Canadian RCMP Background check (where we will apply on your behalf).

Our clients use us for a wide range of categories, including studying abroad, international marriage, immigration, working holidays, starting a business abroad, foreign liquor licenses, and foreign horse owner licenses etc.

Please feel free to contact us for more information.